| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| JA
| title (EN) | Super Robot Taisen NEO | synopsis (EN) | Super Robot Taisen is another one of Bandai Namco's hit series. After participating in the Gundam Seed wars from the last installment, it's time to launch into the battles for energy. As one of the most comprehensive cross-overs, mecha from all famous series and their pilots are joining in.
The mecha have soiled plans of numerous villains, yet more are popping up. Following Dr. Hell's destructive footsteps is the Mikene empire and devil Gundam. Strives never end unless the mecha combine their forces. Come participate in the war effort. | title (ES) | Super Robot Taisen NEO | synopsis (ES) | Después de luchar en las guerras de Gundam Seed es hora de participar en los combates por la energía. Siguiendo los pasos destructivos del Dr. Hell se encuentra el Imperio Mikene y el demonio Gundam. La lucha nunca terminará hasta que todos combinen sus fuerzas. Ven y participa en este esfuerzo por ganar. | title (JA) | スーパーロボット大戦 NEO | title (KO) | 슈퍼 로봇 대전 NEO | title (ZHTW) | 超級機器人大戰NEO(日) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《超級機器人大戰 NEO》是《超級機器人大戰》系列最新作,以「小孩子們活躍的開朗歡樂風格作品」為概念,收錄1990年代活躍的多部機器人動畫作品,並採用全 3D 繪圖方式來呈現系列作精髓的地圖與戰鬥演出。
除了機器人動畫作品之外,遊戲中還收錄了原創主角17歲高中生稻葉驅等一行人,以及原創機器人「席克札爾(シグザール)」與原創母艦「伊歐尼亞(イオニア)」。 | title (ZHCN) | 超级机器人大战NEO(日) |
| Banpresto
| publisher
| Namco
| release date
| 2009-10-29
| genre
| strategy
| rating
| A
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller
| online players
| 0
| case