RS2EGJ - Ultimate Duck Hunting

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Ultimate Duck Hunting
synopsis (EN)Choose your dog (yellow, chocolate, or black Lab) and train him to respond to your commands. Gear up with guns, camouflage, and decoys - then it's off to the wilderness to set up decoys, use duck calls, and ultimately become a crack shot using the Wii Remote to aim and fire at tough-to-down mallard, hen, black, and teal ducks.

Guide your dog to retrieve ducks through flooded timber, murky lakes, and snowy slopes in six environments in Alaska, Arkansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Virginia.

Ultimate Duck Hunting features four play modes, including 2-player (split screen).
title (ES)Ultimate Duck Hunting
synopsis (ES)Elije a tu perro, un Labrador amarillo, negro o marrón, y entrénalo para responder a tus comandos, todos controlados por los movimientos del mando de Wii. Prepara las armas, el camuflaje y los señuelos y adéntrate en el desierto para convertirte en un experto cazador de patos.
title (KO)얼티밋 오리 사냥
title (ZHTW)終極獵鴨(美)
title (ZHCN)终极猎鸭(美)
developer Collision Studios
publisher Detn8 Games Ltd
release date 2007-7-31
genre simulation, hunting
rating T

content mild violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Ultimate Duck Hunting Wii cover (RS2EGJ)

Ultimate Duck Hunting Wii cover (RS2EGJ)

Ultimate Duck Hunting Wii disc (RS2EGJ)

Ultimate Duck Hunting Wii disc (RS2EGJ)