| RSJP41
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
| title (EN) | Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut | synopsis (EN) | Broken Sword, the renowned series by Charles Cecil, makes its way to the Nintendo Wii, and old fans and new players alike won't be disappointed in this "Director's Cut" version. The classic adventure game series is brought up to date with a new narrative loosely based on the original and with game play mechanics that take advantage of the unique aspects of the Nintendo Wii.
The original Broken Sword was praised for its engaging story line that kept players guessing what would happen next. This version closely follows the original story but adds an interwoven narrative that serves as a prequel to future games.
Specifically, the game explores the history of the female protagonist Nico, and how her mysterious past connects with the events that are unfolding in the story. All this new material is seamlessly added to the original.
Classic, Puzzle-Driven game play with Wii-Specific Controls Like the original, Broken Sword features puzzles and brain-teasers that are woven into the narrative of the game. Players have to come up with solutions to problems that are encountered during the game in order to move forward with game play. Broken Sword takes advantage of the Wii's motion controls to introduce new, interesting puzzles. In order to solve some puzzles, for example, you'll have to use the Wii remote to turn dials and push blocks.
New Graphics and Animations The detailed graphics and animation are drawn by Dave Gibbons, the artist behind the graphic novel and movie "Watchmen." The game features a style that makes it look like an animated movie, and this version adds a new first-person perspective when interacting with objects and people in order to increase the sense of immersion.
Beautiful Music and Soundtrack by Barrington Pheloung Famed composer Barrington Pheloung composed the original score for Broken Sword and has expanded it for this Director's Cut. The original voice cast has also returned to add new parts for the newly expanded version of the game. All of this adds up to a rich experience.
Exclusive Two-Player Mode for the Wii Instead of going at it alone, you can add a second player to the fray in the Wii version. Two cursors show up on the screen, and one player becomes the main player while the second highlights areas of interest on the screen. Working co-operatively adds another dimension to the game and allows the game to be enjoyed simultaneously by two players.
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars:The Director's Cut builds on the original, boasting a new and explosive narrative interwoven with the first story. This game brings the adventure genre to life like never before with unique DS and Wii controls. After witnessing the brutal and horrifying murder of one of Paris¿s richest and most influential statesmen, the player is pulled into a sinister conspiracy rooted in a long- forgotten medieval legend. | title (FR) | Les Chevaliers de Baphomet : Director's Cut | synopsis (FR) | Jeu d'aventure point & click au look cartoon, Les Chevaliers de Baphomet sur Wii vous glisse dans la peau de la charmante journaliste parisienne Nico Collard qui enquête sur un étrange attentat. Accompagné de George Stobbart, parcourez Paris, l'Irlande, l'Espagne ou encore la Syrie à la recherche du secret des Templiers. Résolvez les nombreux énigmes du jeu pour pouvoir progresser dans l'histoire. | title (DE) | Baphomets Fluch - The Director's Cut | synopsis (DE) | Mit dem Director’s Cut von Baphomets Fluch kommt eines der spannensten Adventure aller Zeiten auf die Nintendo Wii-Konsole. Hierbei handelt es sich um kein gewöhnliches Remake, denn die Geschichte wurde erweitert und neue Rätsel fordern sogar Kenner des Originals. Fans des Genres bekommen so ein einzigartiges Erlebnis vermittelt, dessen Geschichte mit Mord, Betrug und jeder Menge Gefahren an die Konsole fesseln wird.
Das neue Spiel baut auf dem Original auf und erzählt eine neue, spannende Geschichte, die mit der Story der Vorlage verknüpft ist. Das Spiel wurde um neue Rätsel erweitert, die speziell auf die einzigartige Steuerung der Nintendo-Konsolen abgestimmt sind. Das Point-&-Klick-Gefühl wird dabei neu umgesetzt und noch intensiver. Außerdem bietet Baphomets Fluch – The Director‘s Cut umwerfende Gesichteranimationen, die von Dave Gibbons, der hinter dem Comicbuch und der kommenden Verfilmung von Watchmen steht, gezeichnet wurden. Baphomets Fluch – The Director‘s Cut lässt den Spieler in die Rolle der bezaubernden Pariser Fotojournalistin Nicole Collard schlüpfen, die zusammen mit dem Amerikaner George Stobbart einer schrecklichen Verschwörung auf der Spur ist, die auf einer längst vergessenen, mittelalterlichen Legende beruht. | title (ES) | Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut | synopsis (ES) | Nico Collard presencia el asesinato del hombre más influyente de Francia y emprende la búsqueda del asesino. Pero cuando el afable turista americano George Stobbart se une a la aventura, la intrépida pareja se verá envuelta en una peligrosa y aterradora conspiración... | title (IT) | Broken Sword: Il Segreto dei Templari - The Director's Cut | synopsis (IT) | Una narrazione nuova ed esplosiva con molti intrecci con il primo capitolo della saga!
Dopo essere stato testimone del brutale ed orribile assassinio di uno dei più ricchi ed influenti statisti di Parigi, il giocatore verrà catapultato in una sinistra cospirazione radicata in una leggenda medievale a lungo dimenticata. Il gioco, sfruttando i metodi di controllo davvero unici di Wii e Nintendo DS, offre nuovi enigmi oltre a stupende animazioni facciali appositamente disegnate da Dave Gibbons, il genio artistico autore del celebre fumetto di Watchmen, dal quale è stato tratta un film di prossima uscita.
CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI - Oscuri ed affascinanti misteri di assassinii: una storia intrigante vissuta con gli occhi di un giornalista, testimone di un tragico assassinio. - I controlli intuitivi ridefinisco il genere dei giochi di avventura: lo stilo del DS consente una totale interazione ed accessibilità ad ambientazioni dettagliate e coinvolgenti. Un nuovo sistema di aiuto evitano al giocatore di rimanere invischiato in un rompicapo offrendo suggerimenti quando richiesto. - Contenuti esclusivi della versione DS. Nuovi elementi nella storia e nelle ambientazioni: ricostruisci gli eventi accaduti prima e dopo la versione originale di Broken Sword. - Nuovi rompicapi aggiungono ulteriore profondità all’esplorazione del gameplay. - Uno stile illustrativo ricco e pieno di colori: sbalorditive illustrazioni realizzate a mano dal celebre artista Dave Gibbons oltre a straordinarie espressioni facciali che arricchiscono di emozioni lo svolgimento della narrazione. | title (NL) | Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut | synopsis (NL) | Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars is een remake van de gelijknamige game, oorspronkelijk verschenen in 1996 op de eerste PlayStation. In dit point-and-click adventure kruip je in de huid van de Amerikaanse toerist George Stobbart die in Parijs terecht is gekomen. Nadat hij net weet te ontkomen aan een bomaanslag in een café komt hij op het spoor van een eeuwenoud mysterie. Het is aan jou om deze stukje bij beetje te ontrafelen. Deze remake draagt de naam The Director's Cut, wat betekent dat de oorspronkelijke game op meerdere vlakken is uitgebreid. Zo kom je een hoop oude, maar ook speciaal voor deze editie toegevoegde nieuwe puzzels tegen en is het verhaal hier en daar uitgebreid. The Shadow of the Templars is daarnaast geoptimaliseerd voor de mogelijkheden van de Wii. Zo ziet de game er gedetailleerder uit en bestuur je deze volledig met de speciale mogelijkheden van de Wii-afstandsbediening. | title (KO) | 파검: 기사단의 그림자 (감독판) | title (ZHTW) | 斷劍 聖殿騎士之影(歐) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《斷劍:聖殿騎士之影》是一款為揭開聖堂武士的古老秘密而在全球進行拚死角逐的偉大冒險游戲。這款游戲最初在PC和PS上發布。
而這次的導演剪輯版對應Wii、NDS兩個不同平台游戲迷題作出了相應的改變,任天堂DS和Wii平台增加了許多新的謎題,需要玩家使用任天堂專門的控制方法方能解開。著名藝術天才Dave Gibbons的加盟,游戲中人物的面部表情栩栩如生。(插畫家Dave Gibbons曾與導演Zack Snyder合作著名電影“守望者”)在游戲中,玩家將扮演一名旅居法國的美國人George Stobbart,和記者Nico Collard一起卷入到一起可怕的陰謀之中,2人全力合作克服各種艱險、解開所有謎題後,也因此而揭開了一段被遺忘的中世紀傳奇故事。 | title (ZHCN) | 断剑 圣堂武士之谜(欧) |
| Revolution Software
| publisher
| Ubi Soft Entertainment
| release date
| 2009-3-19
| genre
| adventure, point-and-click
| rating
| 12
| content
| violence
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | crc | 7de189cb | md5 | f3de5f3eb741e5b831615f36ae3b994e | sha1 | 800a1167797ff5e9823cb4a0e6dc571943ae95a9 |