RSYE20 - Showtime Championship Boxing

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Showtime Championship Boxing
synopsis (EN)Train and fight your way through the ranks. Blood, sweat, and tears is the only way you will conquer the top contender and be the ultimate champion. An interactive boxing experience that takes gamers to new levels. "Knockout" cutting edge technology takes "the sweet science" off the canvas and raises the Championship Belt on video game pugilism.
title (ES)Showtime Championship Boxing
synopsis (ES)Showtime Championship Boxing permite a uno o dos jugadores vivir la emoción del boxeo en un gran escenario. Se deben superar 14 combates para conseguir coronarse "Rey del Ring". ¿Tienes lo que hace falta para reclamar el título?
title (KO)쇼타임 챔피언쉽 권투
title (ZHTW)冠軍拳擊賽(美)
title (ZHCN)冠军拳击赛(美)
developer Nikitova
publisher Destination Software
release date 2007-12-4
genre sports, boxing
rating E10+

content violence, mild suggestive themes

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Showtime Championship Boxing Wii cover (RSYE20)

Showtime Championship Boxing Wii cover (RSYE20)

Showtime Championship Boxing Wii disc (RSYE20)

Showtime Championship Boxing Wii disc (RSYE20)