RTVE64 - Thrillville: Off the Rails

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Thrillville: Off the Rails
synopsis (EN)Thrillville: Off the Rails lives up to its name with 20 death-defying rides so outrageous, they inspire the same word from every park visitor who sees them: "WHOA!" Players build these incredible "WHOA Coasters" to leap from one track to another, launch through the air like cannonballs, blast through burning rings of fire and more. A new lighthearted story ties together lots of missions and improved social interaction with park guests. The in-depth conversations both advance the plot and suggest better ways to manage the park. But is every guest to be trusted? One never knows when a rival from the nefarious Globo-Joy might attempt to sabotage Thrillville parks with deceptive information...
title (ES)Thrillville: Off the Rails
synopsis (ES)El simulador de parques de atracciones ideado por Frontier regresa con una nueva versión mejorada que trae nuevas atracciones, un completo modo historia y nada menos que 34 modos multijugador.
title (KO)스릴빌: 오프 더 레일즈
title (ZHTW)模擬樂園 驚奇世界(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《Thrillville》是一款以創建遊樂場為目的經營類遊戲。在遊戲中玩家能夠設置觀纜車等設施吸引遊客。現在,遊戲的續作《Thrillville : Off the Rails》也將登場了。

《Thrillville :Off the Rails》由英國Frontier Developments工作室開發,LucasArts發行,本作將帶玩家進入夢幻般主題公園世界,玩家可以和同伴一起構建並漫遊在不同主題的公園裡,非常適合在家庭娛樂。整體上看,本作就是一款結合了《模擬城市》和《過山車大亨》雙重特色的作品。
title (ZHCN)主题公园 惊奇世界(美)
developer Frontier Developments
publisher LucasArts Entertainment
release date 2007-10-16
genre simulation
rating E10+

content fantasy violence, mild lyrics, mild suggestive themes

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Thrillville: Off the Rails Wii cover (RTVE64)

Thrillville: Off the Rails Wii cover (RTVE64)

Thrillville: Off the Rails Wii disc (RTVE64)

Thrillville: Off the Rails Wii disc (RTVE64)