RU5E4Q - The Princess and the Frog

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)The Princess and the Frog
synopsis (EN)In the magical, jazz-infused, world of 1920s New Orleans, young Tiana dreams of owning a restaurant but must overcome the hurdles set before her to discover that dreams really do come true.
The Princess and the Frog captures the story and style of Disney's triumphant return to traditional animation in a charming adventure game packed with activities inspired by the film’s events.
title (ES)The Princess and the Frog
synopsis (ES)Por primera vez, podrás sumergirte en el emocionante mundo de Tiana. Conoce a tus personajes favoritos de la película y a nuevos amigos, vence a tus rivales, juega en el bayou con las ranas, compón música, cocina recetas al estilo Nueva Orleans y mucho más...
title (KO)디즈니: 공주들과 개구리
title (ZHTW)迪士尼公主和青蛙(美)
title (ZHCN)迪士尼公主和青蛙(美)
developer Griptonite Games
publisher Disney Interactive Studios
release date 2009-11-17
genre adventure
rating E

content comic mischief

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0
version (1)


The Princess and the Frog Wii cover (RU5E4Q)

The Princess and the Frog Wii cover (RU5E4Q)

The Princess and the Frog Wii disc (RU5E4Q)

The Princess and the Frog Wii disc (RU5E4Q)