| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga | synopsis (EN) | The lands of Eldar have long been known as the origin of chaos, a place where monsters and demons wreak havoc, indiscriminate in their madness. Legend tells of how the Spirit King, whose coming was heralded in by a meteor shower, gained control of the creatures and waged an unrelenting war upon civilization. Order and life were brought to the brink of destruction, but an alliance of the four races was able to drive them back and seal the evil. Centuries more have passed and once again the lands are slowly being overrun by the reemerging monsters. Without a known cause or even a united front to repel them, it would seem that this time, Eldar will fall. It is up to you to take up the forgotten mantle of the hero, reunite the races, confront the hordes of monsters and restore peace to the land.
Features: * Multi-generational Storyline – The player starts off as a human that seeks to reconcile and rebuild old alliances with the dwarves, halflings, and elves. As the story progresses, the player can choose a character of any of the races, each with specific strengths and weaknesses that can be customized further. * Fully Customizable Characters – With five basic job classes (fighter, mage, priest, thief, bard) and numerous advanced classes, each with their own specific skills and abilities, with weapons and equipment that change the appearance of each character, the customization options are almost limitless. * Real-time Battles on the Field Map – Battles take place in real-time, and all enemies are visible on the field map with no random encounters. These foes may be fought or avoided as you see fit. * Build Your Own Battle Party – Find the perfect combination of race and job class of your accompanying party member as you hire a mercenary from the local tavern. * Online Multiplayer – Party up with a second player online to explore the land of Eldar together with co-op gameplay. | title (ES) | Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga | synopsis (ES) | Cuenta la leyenda que las tierras de Eldar, el origen del caos y la destrucción, fueron atacadas por el malvado Rey Espíritu, y bajo esa batalla las cuatro razas se unieron para salvar al planeta y restaurar las paz. Siglos han pasado y la maldad ha vuelto a emerger. ¿Quién logrará unirlas nuevamente? | title (KO) | 발할라 나이츠: 엘더 사가 | title (ZHTW) | 瓦爾哈拉騎士 艾德爾傳奇[WiFi](美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《瓦爾哈拉騎士:艾德爾傳奇》 該系列作品曾在PSP上推出過兩款,由於其高自由度育成系統以及豐富的道具收集要素深受玩家喜愛。最新作以大規模流星群的墜落使得本已滅亡的魔物們再次復活並危害人間,於是人類與精靈族、矮人族等結成同盟共同對抗魔物大軍。 本作有著比較深奧的人物創建模式,其中玩家可以任意選擇屬性例如職業,髮色,力量,智慧值等等。遊戲的獨特之處在於劃分為兩個章節,在遊戲的序章可以任選一個章節,完成後可創建一個非人類的新角色,且數據在新的章節可以被繼承。同前作一樣,本作依然充滿了各式豐富的武器和道具讓玩家通過擊敗怪物來收集,更可支持二人聯機協作。 | title (ZHCN) | 瓦尔哈拉骑士 艾德尔传奇[WiFi](美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 该系列作品曾在PSP上推出过两款,由于其高自由度育成系统以及丰富的道具收集要素深受玩家喜爱。最新作以大规模流星群的坠落使得本已灭亡的魔物们再次复活并危害人间,于是人类与精灵族、矮人族等结成同盟共同对抗魔物大军。 本作有着比较深奥的人物创建模式,其中玩家可以任意选择属性例如职业,发色,力量,智慧值等等。游戏的独特之处在于划分为两个章节,在游戏的序章可以任选一个章节,完成后可创建一个非人类的新角色,且数据在新的章节可以被继承。同前作一样,本作依然充满了各式丰富的武器和道具让玩家通过击败怪物来收集,更可支持二人联机协作。 |
| K2
| publisher
| Xseed Games
| release date
| 2009-9-30
| genre
| role-playing
| rating
| T
| content
| alcohol reference, blood, fantasy violence
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller
| online players
| 2
| online features
| online connectivity
| version | 1.00 | size | 4699979776 | crc | b9eba063 | md5 | 5af258375691b6b7c6d2d70646ef6475 | sha1 | 212da0c425255d64c715fdc27701cafd643c1752 |