RVSJ13 - Skate It

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region NTSC-J
type Wii
languages JA
title (EN)Skate It
synopsis (EN)Skate It unleashes the Flickit revolution on the Nintendo Wii. Use the Wii Remote and Wii Balance Board to string together your sickest tricks for the ultimate line. Ride with the pros, own the best spots in San Vanelona, and rake in sponsorships on your path to becoming Thrasher Magazine's Skater of the Year.

Come up on the streets of San Van, and then venture out to shred some of the world's best skate cities. You can even rework the environments to create the ultimate skate spot. Loaded with all-new gameplay features and a unique set of controls designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii and Wii Balance Board, Skate It taps into the soul and grit of being on a board to deliver a fresh gaming experience.
title (ES)Skate It
synopsis (ES)Salta a la calle y vive el skateboard de una forma totalmente nueva con Skate It para Wii. Usa el mando de Wii solo o con la Wii Balance Board para controlar la acción con movimientos sencillos e intuitivos y deja que Skate It te haga sentir la emoción del mundo del skateboard.
title (JA)スケート イット
title (KO)스케이트 잇
title (ZHTW)極限滑板[平衡板](日)
synopsis (ZHTW)《極限滑板》系列的最新作品《Skate It》,這款遊戲將徹底掌握極限滑板的精髓。專為 Wii 和 Nintendo DS 設計的《Skate It》,讓 Nintendo 玩家有機會與滑板職業好手同場競技、佔據 San Vanelona 最棒的滑板場地,以及透過廣受好評的Flickit 控制機制展現驚心動魄的絕技。搭載了全新的遊戲功能,《Skate It》破天荒地支援了 Wii 平衡板,讓玩家能以嶄新的方式自創他們的招牌滑板風格。

創新的 FlickIt 操控機制,讓玩家能透過 Wii 遙控器或 Nintendo DS 觸控筆接二連三地施展絕佳美技,上演精彩絕倫的滑板秀。Wii 遙控器將化身成為滑板,會對模仿實際滑板翻轉與動作的手勢做出反應。 玩家也可以把雙腳踩在 Wii 平衡板上,加深如此逼真的滑板感受。

《Skate It》可以說是把《極限滑板》系列推向獨具巧思和內容卓越的新高峰。
title (ZHCN)极限滑板[平衡板](日)
developer Electronic Arts
publisher Electronic Arts Japan
release date 2009-2-12
genre sports, skateboarding
rating A

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories balance board
online players 0


スケート イット Wii cover (RVSJ13)

スケート イット Wii cover (RVSJ13)

スケート イット Wii disc (RVSJ13)