RWIE18 - Wing Island

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Wing Island
synopsis (EN)Take to the skies with Wing Island, the first flight action game for the Wii. As Junior, a wide-eyed teenager with incredible piloting skills, soar around Shell Island taking on jobs to keep your family aviation business running. From dusting crops to more daring missions like aerial fire fighting, players will use the Wii Remote to perform aerial acrobatics and learn to fly in formation, controlling a group of 5 planes at once.
title (ES)Wing Island
synopsis (ES)Conviértete en piloto acrobático y realiza piruetas, supera diversas pruebas y dirige a tu escuadrón en este arcade de aviación de la mano de Hudson. Mueve tu aeroplano surcando los cielos como si de un avión de papel se tratara volando con el mando de Wii. ¡Despliega tus alas!
title (KO)날개 섬
title (ZHTW)翼神之島(美)
title (ZHCN)翼神之岛(美)
developer Hudson Soft
publisher Hudson Entertainment, Inc.
release date 2007-3-20
genre action, simulation, flight simulation
rating E

content cartoon violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Wing Island Wii cover (RWIE18)

Wing Island Wii cover (RWIE18)

Wing Island Wii disc (RWIE18)

Wing Island Wii disc (RWIE18)