RWKE5G - Cooking Mama: World Kitchen

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Cooking Mama: World Kitchen
synopsis (EN)In her Wii sequel, Mama brings a lot more to the table, including all new 3D graphics, new recipes, comedic kitchen minigames, new gameplay modes and much more!
title (ES)Cooking Mama: World Kitchen
synopsis (ES)Los minijuegos de Cooking Mama vuelven a tu Wii con nuevas recetas, originales modos de juegos y espectaculares gráficos en 3D. Gracias a su sistema de control, intuitivo y a la vez divertido, ¡estarás cocinando como un chef en un abrir y cerrar de ojos!
title (KO)쿠킹 마마: 월드 키친
title (ZHTW)妙廚老媽2 世界廚房(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)專為 Wii 平台所開發的《妙廚老媽》,是一款利用 Wii 體感控制器來操作菜刀、平底鍋、調理機等用具來做菜的新型態料理遊戲。

從大家所熟悉的日本家庭料理、甜點,到中華料理、法國料理甚至是印度料理,遊戲共收錄了 50 種以上的食譜。與妙廚老媽一起做菜的同時,還能記住每個廚房用具的使用方法以及料理的烹飪方法,抱著期待的心情與老媽一起做出令人讚賞的料理大餐吧。

進入遊戲後,玩家必須先選擇男性主角或是女性主角,創造完角色後就能跟著妙廚老媽挑戰各種料理了。遊戲中只要揮動或是扭轉 Wii 遙控器,就能簡單地做出切菜、蒸煮、炒菜、燒烤、盛菜等動作。

title (ZHCN)料理妈妈 世界厨房(美)
developer Cooking Mama Ltd.
publisher Majesco Entertainment
release date 2008-11-24
genre simulation, cooking
rating E

content alcohol reference, comic mischief

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0
version (1)


Cooking Mama: World Kitchen Wii cover (RWKE5G)

Cooking Mama: World Kitchen Wii cover (RWKE5G)

Cooking Mama: World Kitchen Wii disc (RWKE5G)

Cooking Mama: World Kitchen Wii disc (RWKE5G)

Cooking Mama: World Kitchen Wii disc (RWKE5G)