RXLE41 - Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game
synopsis (EN)Play as all your favorite characters and perform life-or-death operations in this all-new Grey's Anatomy story.

Immerse yourself for the first time in this all-new Grey's Anatomy story written in collaboration with the TV show writers. Play as your favorite characters as you strive to save Seattle Grace Hospital from its worst crisis yet. Influence the outcome of the storyline and perform all the multi-step surgeries that the series is known for.
title (ES)Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game
synopsis (ES)Conviértete en Meredith, Derek, Cristina o cualquiera de tus protagonistas favoritos y forma parte de los diálogos y las decisiones críticas que afectarán al desarrollo de la trama y al destino del hospital. ¡Descubre cómo el equipo del Seattle Grace lucha contra una de las peores crisis de su historia!
title (KO)그레이스 애너토미: 비디오 게임
title (ZHTW)實習醫生格蕾(美)
title (ZHCN)实习医生格蕾(美)
developer Longtail
publisher Ubi Soft Entertainment
release date 2009-3-17
genre adventure
rating T

content alcohol reference, blood, mild violence, mild language, sexual themes

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game Wii cover (RXLE41)

Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game Wii cover (RXLE41)

Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game Wii disc (RXLE41)

Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game Wii disc (RXLE41)