| RY2E41
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 | synopsis (EN) | The mischievous bunnies are back in a hilarious sequel that is guaranteed to be even crazier and funnier than the first – and with even more wacky games!
They've invaded the world of Rayman®, and now the insane Rabbids have a new objective: invade planet Earth! They have established their base at a shopping mall and begun training for their nastiest scheme yet. As part of this training, the Rabbids must carry out several missions around the globe to help them in an attempt to dominate the world. The Rabbids will also try to study human behavior by mimicking everything we do…but in the Rabbid sort of way, with no logic…of course.
Back to battle the Rabbids and stop the invasion is Rayman, who will infiltrate the Rabbids by disguising himself as one of them. | title (ES) | Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 | synopsis (ES) | Con su cuartel general en un centro comercial, los conejos se preparan para el plan más maquiavélico: aprender nuevas habilidades, usurpar nuevas personalidades y calentar gargantas, preparándose para el infame grito. ¡¡¡GUUUUUUAAAAHHHH!!! ¿Quién frustrará el plan? | title (KO) | 레이맨 엽기토끼 2 | title (ZHTW) | 雷曼超人 瘋狂兔子2(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 那些只會惡作劇的兔寶寶終於回來了! 當他們侵略了雷曼世界之後,瘋狂的兔子們又有一個新的方向:就是要入侵地球這個小行星了! 他們在附近的城市建立了他們的基地和開始為他們的侵略計劃作出一連串的訓練! 作為他們訓練的一部份,瘋狂的兔子們為了準備得到世界的控制權,必須在世界各地進行多項任務。現在雷曼超人正試圖滲入他們的陣營成為他們的一份子,希望可以停止這一切瘋狂的行為 ! | title (ZHCN) | 雷曼 疯狂兔子2(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 那些只会恶作剧的兔宝宝终于回来了! 当他们侵略了雷曼世界之后,疯狂的兔子们又有一个新的方向:就是要入侵地球这个小行星了! 他们在附近的城市建立了他们的基地和开始为他们的侵略计划作出一连串的训练! 作为他们训练的一部份,疯狂的兔子们为了准备得到世界的控制权,必须在世界各地进行多项任务。现在雷曼超人正试图渗入他们的阵营成为他们的一份子,希望可以停止这一切疯狂的行为 ! |
| Ubisoft Montpellier
| publisher
| Ubi Soft Entertainment
| release date
| 2007-11-15
| genre
| action, adventure
| rating
| E10+
| content
| crude humor, cartoon violence
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| online features
| score sharing
| case