RY7PHZ - Ninja Captains

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region PAL
type Wii
languages EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
title (EN)Ninja Captains
synopsis (EN)Ninja Captains is a hilarious party game about four clumsy ninja cats that accidentally find themselves travelling the world and getting into all sorts of trouble! When their city is attacked by a giant mouse, these four felines have no choice but to do what they do best – save the world. They may look like ordinary animals, but whenever there is trouble, they become Ninja Captains! Armed with the latest in mouse-tracking technology, the ninjas follow faulty directions that lead them straight past the robot and into a plane. Join the Ninja Captains as they visit cities such as London, Sydney and Tokyo in a journey that takes them across every continent. During their mouse hunt, they are called on to perform all kinds of wacky activities including running from bulls in Pamplona, racing gondolas in Venice, and sledding down the icy mountains of Antarctica just to finally find themselves back home in downtown New York where their enemy has been right under their noses the entire time!

Gameplay Description:
Ninja Captains features 20 unique action-packed games set in exotic locations all over the world. Up to 4 players can join in as the Ninja Captains try to save the world, one city at a time! Ninja Captains will test your speed, timing and coordination through a series of zany challenges that include rock climbing in Australia, ice fishing in Sweden, and serving food to hungry customers in Berlin. Learn the secret art of travel firsthand and embark upon a single or multiplayer adventure that is sure to be a hit with friends and family!

•20 different games packed with the perfect balance of humour and excitement.
•World famous cities such as London, Sydney, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and others.
•Plenty of variety as gameplay activities range from racing to climbing, balancing, dodging, dancing, and even surfing!
•Countless hours of party game fun for up to 4 players.
title (ES)Ninja Captains
synopsis (ES)Una disparatada aventura en la que cuatro gatos ninja se encuentran viajando por el mundo ¡mentiéndose en todo tipo de problemas! Pero cuando su ciudad es atacada por un ratón gigante, estos cuatro felinos no tendrán más opción que hacer lo que ellos mejor saben hacer: ¡salvar al mundo!
title (KO)닌자 캡틴
title (ZHTW)忍者首領(歐)
title (ZHCN)忍者首领(欧)
synopsis (ZHCN)《忍者首领》是一款卡通味十足的忍者小游戏合集,本作共收录了20款充满趣味的小游戏,也对应Wii本身的一些特殊操作,本游戏同样也推出了DS版。
developer Nordcurrent
publisher Nordcurrent
release date 2009-10
genre party
rating 3

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)

Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)

Ninja Captains Wii disc (RY7PHZ)

Ninja Captains Wii disc (RY7PHZ)


Ninja Captains disque Wii (RY7PHZ)


Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)

Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)


Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)

Ninja Captains Wii cover (RY7PHZ)