RYVJMS - Illvelo Wii

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region NTSC-J
type Wii
languages JA
title (EN)Illvelo Wii
synopsis (EN)Nothing appears as they seem in this whimsical shooter that takes you on a bizarre trip through the imagination. Searching for the Key of Destiny will take you on a journey that leads down multiple paths, all of which contain numerous in-game secrets. With your helper "dolls", you can eliminate the threat that surrounds you by placing them in strategic locations or controlling their movements in tandem with yours. Within each level, there are "secret" entrances that warp you into another alternate universe where success will unlock additional content and bonuses.
title (JA)イルベロWii
synopsis (JA)マイルストーンシューティング第4弾。近未来の仮想空間を舞台に、性能の異なる3種類のショットや攻防自在のオプション“ドール”、敵弾を防ぐシールドを駆使して5つのステージを戦い抜く。
title (KO)일벨로Wii
title (ZHTW)病態空間Wii(日)
synopsis (ZHTW)Milestone 的直向射擊都在同樣的設定之下。在全世界核戰後,西曆改元為第二西曆,簡稱二曆。部份人在地面建立新樂園雷甸 (Re-Eden),稱為地上人。部份人住天上的浮遊大陸福羅特 (Float),稱為天界人. 兩世界間基本上是嚴禁互通聲息的.

illvelo 的主角魯協,網路上叫傑依魯. 14歲少女. 拒絕出門上學已兩年. 愛稱是魯.登入的網路系統是聖娛樂公司的 DEF 體感模擬系統,可讓人體驗各種網路現象. 登入者心中的恐懼與厭惡會以敵人的方式登場.
title (ZHCN)伊鲁贝罗Wii(日)
developer MileStone Inc.
publisher Milestone - UFO Interactive
release date 2008-11-13
genre action, shoot 'em up
rating A

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories classic controller, gamecube pad
online players 0


イルベロWii Wii cover (RYVJMS)

イルベロWii Wii cover (RYVJMS)

イルベロWii Wii disc (RYVJMS)

イルベロWii Wii disc (RYVJMS)