RZ9JG9 - Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol. 2: The Party Game

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region NTSC-J
type Wii
languages JA
title (EN)Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol. 2: The Party Game
synopsis (EN)Optimized for the Wii Remote, Family Party: 30 Great Games has more than 30 fun games to play as players tackle obstacle courses, plate spin, fire laser guns, test their wit at memory games and more. The game offers a wide variety of fun and addictive party games for up to 4 players featuring everything from track n' field, to playground games, to brain games and more.
title (ES)Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol. 2: The Party Game
synopsis (ES)Toma tu mando de Wii y compite en 30 divertidos minijuegos en los que deberás esquivar obstáculos, mantener platos girando, disparar pistolas láser, poner a prueba tu ingenio en juegos de memoria y más. Podrás jugar solo o con tus amigos y familiares, ¡y así demostrar quién es el mejor!
title (JA)SIMPLE 2000シリーズWii Vol.2 THEパーティーゲーム
title (KO)심플 2000 시리즈 Wii 볼륨 2: 파티 게임
title (ZHTW)簡單2000系列2 聚會遊戲(日或中)
title (ZHCN)简单2000系列2 聚会游戏(日或中)
synopsis (ZHCN)價格低廉,遊戲樂趣卻絲毫不減的Simple2000系列登陸Wii平臺的第二部作品《Simple 2000系列Wii Vol.2 聚會遊戲(SIMPLE 2000シリーズWii Vol.2 THE パーティーゲーム)》登場,在這款遊戲中收錄了30種適合多人聚會時遊玩的迷你遊戲,可4人遊玩,操作方式也非常簡單,使用到Wii遙控器體感功能的本 作,只需要玩家揮動、瞄準或者掌握平衡就能輕易的完成遊戲。

developer Tamsoft
publisher D3 Publisher
release date 2008-8-28
genre party
rating A

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


SIMPLE 2000シリーズWii Vol.2 THEパーティーゲーム Wii cover (RZ9JG9)

SIMPLE 2000シリーズWii Vol.2 THEパーティーゲーム Wii cover (RZ9JG9)