S3ME69 - The Sims 3

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)The Sims 3
synopsis (EN)In The Sims 3 for consoles, create Sims with unique personalities, fulfill their desires, and control their lives within a living neighborhood. Unlock all-new Karma Powers and unleash them on your Sims: help your Sim “get lucky,” bless them with “instant beauty” or curse them with an “epic fail.” But use these powers wisely, because they may have unexpected results!

Design and build your Sims’ dream home and share your creations with others. As you guide your Sims through life you can complete challenges to unlock additional items, town upgrades, and buildings upgrades.

For the first time ever, upload and download content from your game, including furnishings, houses, Sims, and more!

* Create any Sim you can imagine and give them unique personalities! Fine-tune your Sims’ appearances and personalities. Make them evil, romantic, paranoid, kleptomaniacs, or a mix of something completely different.
* Control your Sims’ destinies. Choose whether or not to fulfill your Sims’ destinies by making their wishes come true—or letting their dreams die. Will your Sims be rock stars, world leaders, or expert thieves? It’s up to you.
* Unlock all-new Karma Powers. Wield the ultimate power over your Sims, controlling their weather, needs, love lives and more!
* Play The Sims with friends! Get some friends in on the action with the new Life Moments Game with up to four players. Bet on life’s most important moments to earn points and garner rewards.
* New Content! Enjoy an all new beach town with new residents, traits, careers, weather, and lifetime wishes exclusive for the Wii.
title (ES)The Sims 3
synopsis (ES)La saga The Sims sigue proporcionando infinidad de contenido, una mecánica de juego emergente, y un innato sentido del humor a la vez que saca a relucir la creatividad del jugador. Esta nueva entrega posee características que te brindarán una experiencia de juego sólida, profunda y gratificante.
title (KO)심즈 3
title (ZHTW)模擬市民3(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《模擬市民3》的自由度,可讓你發揮無窮盡的想像力,並讓你歡喜迎接充滿驚奇和胡鬧與意外時刻!藉由自訂模擬市民的外表,以及為他們挑選性格特徵,可以創造出數百萬計獨一無二的模擬市民。接著,為他們打造居所 - 無限的個人化選項,讓你隨心所欲地大膽設計,你可以創造出精心打造的夢幻房屋或是簡單溫馨的住所。
title (ZHCN)模拟人生3(美)
developer The Sims
publisher Electronic Arts
release date 2010-11-15
genre simulation, life simulation
rating T

content crude humor, violence, sexual themes

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 1
online features online players, online connectivity


The Sims 3 Wii cover (S3ME69)

The Sims 3 Wii cover (S3ME69)

The Sims 3 Wii disc (S3ME69)

The Sims 3 Wii disc (S3ME69)