SB2ES5 - My Baby First Steps

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)My Baby First Steps
synopsis (EN)Your baby has grown so fast! Can you believe that a year has already gone by? Take care of your baby from their 1st birthday until they’re 3 years old. Your baby will discover its entire environment and learn from it, they’ll walk, babble and speak, try to catch every object they can, and put everything in their mouth... Your baby will be the apple of your eye! In My Baby Next Steps, the companion to the bestselling My Baby Girl and Boy on Nintendo DS, you can experience the magic of caring for a toddler and experience the joy of seeing your baby grow up right before your eyes!
title (ES)My Baby First Steps
synopsis (ES)¡Cuida a tu bebé! Aliméntale, leéle una historia para dormirle, llévale al parque de arena para que juegue... Enséñale un montón de cosas como a comer solito, bailar, subir las escaleras... pero sobre todo ¡a hablar! Te derretirás cuando diga "te quiero".
title (KO)나의 아기 첫 걸음
title (ZHTW)我寶寶的第一步(美)
title (ZHCN)我宝宝的第一步(美)
developer Dancing Dots
publisher Southpeak Interactive
release date 2009-11-3
genre simulation
rating E

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


My Baby First Steps Wii cover (SB2ES5)

My Baby First Steps Wii cover (SB2ES5)

My Baby First Steps Wii disc (SB2ES5)

My Baby First Steps Wii disc (SB2ES5)