| SB6E52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR
| title (EN) | Bakugan: Defenders of the Core | synopsis (EN) | For the first time ever, ultimate monsters come to life in all-out ultimate brawls. In Bakugan: Defenders of the Core, you'll sieze real-time control of towering Bakugan as you unleash their fury in action-packed ultimate battles. A thrilling action game that merges fi ghting and stealth adventure gameplay into one awesome experience, you'll control skyscraper-sized Bakugan in your quest to save the world's cities from the evil Spectra and his Vexos armies. The fate of humankind is in your hands! | title (ES) | Bakugan: Defenders of the Core | synopsis (ES) | Las batallas Bakugan, ¡aún más grandes! Por primera vez tendrás la posibilidad de medirte frente a tus adversarios controlando cada una de las acciones de tus feroces Bakugan. ¿Acaso posees lo necesario para salvar a la Tierra del malvado Spectra y su ejército de Vexos? ¡El destino del mundo está en tus manos! | title (KO) | 바쿠간: 코어의 수비대 | title (ZHTW) | 爆丸 核心守護者(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作為一款以Sega Toys人氣玩具「爆丸」為主題的對戰動作新作。「爆丸」是指讓玩家們使用卡片召喚出會從球體「瞬間變形」成各種姿態模樣的「爆丸戰士」來進行交戰的模型卡片雙重組合戰鬥玩具,目前系列玩具已經在全世界有多達80個左右的國家推出販售,可說是極富盛名的世界級玩具。而在遊戲版方面,則將會以2009年開始播映的電視卡通版第二季「爆丸2 大爆破」(Bakugan Battle Brawlers New Vestroia)為基礎改編,玩家們在遊戲中將跟著動畫裡的主角們一起前往挑戰使用巨大水晶支配地球的「HEX」,帶領玩家們一起進入在動畫中所沒有的遊戲版原創故事冒險!
| title (ZHCN) | 爆丸 核心守护者(美) |
| Now Production
| publisher
| Activision
| release date
| 2010-11-5
| genre
| action, cards
| rating
| E10+
| content
| cartoon violence
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| case