SBZESZ - Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral
synopsis (EN)A brilliantly colorful ocean-based puzzle game with a decidedly ‘green’ theme. Create chains of like-colored pods, and help feed and protect the ocean’s fragile coral! Battle pirates, sharks, and other obstacles in this fast moving, all-ages adventure game that’s both infinitely fun and environmentally friendly.

* Beautiful hand drawn graphics
* Easy yet challenging game play
* Addicting new style of puzzle game
title (ES)Triángulo de las Bermudas: Salvemos el Coral
synopsis (ES)Un océano colorido te rodea en este original juego de puzle. Utiliza tus habilidades con las piezas para ayudar a alimentar y proteger a los frágiles corales del océano. Lucha contra piratas, tiburones y otros cientos de obstáculos. ¡Un divertido juego sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente para todas las edades!
title (KO)버뮤다 삼각지대: 산호 보호
title (ZHTW)百慕大三角 拯救珊瑚礁(美)
title (ZHCN)百慕大三角 拯救珊瑚礁(美)
developer NorthPole Studio
publisher Storm City Games
release date 2010-2-2
genre adventure, puzzle
rating E

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0
version (1)


Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral Wii cover (SBZESZ)

Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral Wii cover (SBZESZ)

Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral Wii cover (SBZESZ)
Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral Wii disc (SBZESZ)

Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral Wii disc (SBZESZ)