SCIE41 - CSI: Fatal Conspiracy

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)CSI: Fatal Conspiracy
synopsis (EN)To join the cast of a hit prime-time show, all you have to do is pick up a controller. CSI: Fatal Conspiracy puts you right alongside the stars of CSI Season ten. Solve five interconnected cases hatched from the minds of the show's writing staff. Scan crime scenes for evidence and use your powers of observation to find the traces that every crime leaves behind. You'll interact with Ray Langston, Catherine Willows, Nick Stokes, and other CSI characters, voiced by the show's cast. Suspense hinges on every clue and each interrogation as the truth is revealed in a new, more dramatic, piece-by-piece story structure designed to ratchet up the tension.
title (ES)CSI: Fatal Conspiracy
synopsis (ES)Colabora con el agente del FBI Gene Huntby en 5 casos relacionados entre sí. Tendrás la oportunidad única de trabajar junto a los famosos investigadores de CSI, incluida Sara Sidle, que ha regresado para resolver nuevos asesinatos y revelar una misteriosa conspiración detrás de los mismos...
title (DK)CSI: Fatal Conspiracy
synopsis (DK)For første gang i CSI serien, team op med holdet fra CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, ikke blot for løse nogle af de mest grusomme forbrydelser i Sin City, men også at for at nedbringe et farligt kartel af stofhandlere. Afslør spor i 5 sammenhængende sager for at bringe en mægtig narkobaron for domstolen, i dette mest strategiske og uforudsigelige CSI spil nogensinde!
title (KO)CSI: 치명적인 음모
title (ZHTW)犯罪現場調查 致命殺機(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)在本作中,玩家將扮演明察秋毫的犯罪現場調查人員,調查各犯罪事件背後的真相。
育碧美國的市場總監Adam Novickas表示,育碧對於能夠再次為CSI粉絲們帶來改編的遊戲作品非常高興,《致命殺機》將會帶來五宗相關聯的案件,為探案迷們提供一道遊戲性與故事性相結合的大餐。

title (ZHCN)犯罪现场调查 致命阴谋(美)
developer Telltale Games
publisher Ubi Soft Entertainment
release date 2010-10-26
genre action, adventure
rating M

content blood, violence, mild sexual themes, drug reference

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


CSI: Fatal Conspiracy Wii cover (SCIE41)

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy Wii cover (SCIE41)

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy Wii disc (SCIE41)

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy Wii disc (SCIE41)