SD2J01 - Just Dance Wii

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region NTSC-J
type Wii
languages EN, JA
title (EN)Just Dance Wii
synopsis (EN)Just Dance Wii is the name of the Japanese edition of the Just Dance video game series for the Wii. This edition was published and edited by Nintendo, but developed by Ubisoft Paris as a third-party developer, with the song list featuring popular J-Pop songs to cater to the Japanese audience, with most popular Western songs from Just Dance 2, one song from Just Dance Summer Party and two songs from the first Just Dance. This version is based on Just Dance 2. All the features such as "Just Sweat", "Medley", "Non-Stop Shuffle" are present, except the online shop.

* AKB48 - "Heavy Rotation"
* Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z - "Crazy In Love" (cover version)
* BoA - "Valenti"
* Bollywood - "Katti Kalandal"
* Boney M. - "Rasputin"
* Britney Spears - "Toxic" (cover version)
* Donna Summer - "Hot Stuff"
* Dream5 - "Koi no Dial 6700"
* Exile - "Choo Choo TRAIN"
* Exile & Koda Kumi - "Won't Be Long"
* Gorie with Jasmine & Joann - "Mickey (Hawaii Version)"
* Harry Belafonte - "Jump in the Line"
* Kara - "Jumpin'"
* Kara - "Mister"
* Ketsumeishi - "Kimi ni Bump"
* Kishidan - "One Night Carnival"
* Koda Kumi - "Cutie Honey"
* MC Hammer - "U Can't Touch This"
* Morning Musume - "Ren'ai Revolution 21"
* Namie Amuro - "Sexy Girl"
* Pink Lady - "UFO"
* Rihanna - "S.O.S."
* Sorcerer - "Dagomba"
* Spice Girls - "Wannabe"
* The Supremes - "You Can't Hurry Love"
* Tohoshinki - "Why (Keep Your Head Down)"
* TRF - "survival dAnce 〜no no cry more〜"
* Ubisoft Meets Nintendo - "Just Mario" (the song is locked in the game. To unlock it, you must play every song on Just Dance Wii.)
title (ES)Just Dance Wii
synopsis (ES)Versión japonesa de la famosa serie de videojuegos de baile para Wii. Desarrollada por Ubisoft Paris y publicada y editada por Nintendo, contiene varias canciones populares del pop japonés junto a algunas de las canciones más conocidas de Just Dance, Just Dance 2 y Just Dance Summer Party. Posee todas las características de Just Dance 2, como los modos "Just Sweat", "Medley" y "Non-Stop Shuffle", salvo la tienda online. El menú y la mayoría de los textos están en 8 idiomas distintos incluyendo el español.

Lista de canciones:
* AKB48 - "Heavy Rotation"
* Beyoncé con Jay-Z - "Crazy In Love" (cover version)
* BoA - "Valenti"
* Bollywood - "Katti Kalandal"
* Boney M. - "Rasputin"
* Britney Spears - "Toxic" (cover version)
* Donna Summer - "Hot Stuff"
* Dream5 - "Koi no Dial 6700"
* Exile - "Choo Choo TRAIN"
* Exile y Koda Kumi - "Won't Be Long"
* Gorie con Jasmine y Joann - "Mickey (Hawaii Version)"
* Harry Belafonte - "Jump in the Line"
* Kara - "Jumpin'"
* Kara - "Mister"
* Ketsumeishi - "Kimi ni Bump"
* Kishidan - "One Night Carnival"
* Koda Kumi - "Cutie Honey"
* MC Hammer - "U Can't Touch This"
* Morning Musume - "Ren'ai Revolution 21"
* Namie Amuro - "Sexy Girl"
* Pink Lady - "UFO"
* Rihanna - "S.O.S."
* Sorcerer - "Dagomba"
* Spice Girls - "Wannabe"
* The Supremes - "You Can't Hurry Love"
* Tohoshinki - "Why (Keep Your Head Down)"
* TRF - "survival dAnce 〜no no cry more〜"
* Ubisoft Meets Nintendo - "Just Mario" (inicialmente bloqueada, debes jugar a cada una de las demás canciones para desbloquearla)
title (JA)ジャストダンス Wii
synopsis (JA)「ジャストダンスWii」は、Wiiリモコン片手に、音楽に合わせて畫面の「お手本」と同じように體を動かすだけでダンスが楽しめるゲーム。好きな曲を選んで踴る「メインモード」、ほかのプレーヤーと様々なルールのもとダンスのスコアを競い合う「バトルモード」、踴りの運動量を「ダンスポイント」としグラフで管理できる「エクササイズモード」の3種類のプレイモードを収錄している。


title (KO)저스트 댄스 Wii
title (ZHTW)舞力全開 日本版(日)
synopsis (ZHTW)《舞力全開 Wii》是一款只須單手持Wii遙控器,配合音樂與畫面人物擺動身體的簡易舞蹈音樂遊戲。

本作中收錄了包括AKB48、東方神起及Boney M等跨國界知名偶像團體熱門歌曲,即使初學者也能輕鬆配合節拍舞動。


title (ZHCN)舞力全开 日本版(日)
synopsis (ZHCN)《舞力全开 Wii》是一款只须单手持Wii遥控器,配合音乐与画面人物摆动身体的简易舞蹈音乐游戏。

本作中收录了包括AKB48丶东方神起及Boney M等跨国界知名偶像团体热门歌曲,即使初学者也能轻松配合节拍舞动。


developer Ubisoft Paris
publisher Nintendo
release date 2011-10-13
genre music, dance
rating A

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, motion plus
online players 0


ジャストダンス Wii Wii cover (SD2J01)

ジャストダンス Wii Wii cover (SD2J01)

ジャストダンス Wii Wii disc (SD2J01)

ジャストダンス Wii Wii disc (SD2J01)