SEGE6U - Yoga

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Yoga
synopsis (EN)International Top Model Anja Rubik leads you through the game and gives you valuable hints and tips which help you discover the world of Yoga.

Yoga for the Wii(tm) brings this new lifestyle-trend in to your living room. It's so easy!

* Perform a multitude of Yoga poses and get immediate feedback through the Balance Board and/or the Wii Remote
* Follow specially targeted training schedules or get to know the Yoga philosophy with a stroll through the temple
* Practice in four beautiful levels each with an amazing variety of exercises in varying difficulties
title (ES)Yoga
synopsis (ES)Déjate guiar por la famosa modelo internacional Anja Rubik a través del fascinante mundo del yoga. Descubre los secretos de esta milenaria disciplina física y mental, y alcanza un nuevo nivel de bienestar mientras te dejas llevar por la extraordinaria y a la vez relajante música asiática.
title (KO)요가
title (ZHTW)瑜伽(美)
title (ZHCN)瑜伽(美)
developer Trine Entertainment
publisher DreamCatcher
release date 2009-12-7
genre health, fitness
rating E

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, balance board
online players 0


Yoga Wii cover (SEGE6U)

Yoga Wii cover (SEGE6U)

Yoga Wii disc (SEGE6U)

Yoga Wii disc (SEGE6U)