SFOEAF - Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked

Stir-up some action and cook like a pro
in the first video game from Food Network!

Cut, slice and dice your way through 30+ real recipes taught by the experts from Food Network . Learn as you play through fun and delicious recipe challenges that range from breakfast to family meals and even dinner parties. Cook in multi-player mode or on your own. Next Food Network Star Judge Susie Fogelson and Food Network Kitchens Chef Mory Thomas will help you hone your cooking skills by offering tips, instruction and feedback on your final dishes. There’s never too many cooks in this kitchen!

* Includes over 30 simple and delicious Food Network recipes
* Cook like a Food Network chef in your own home!
* Learn tips and techniques straight from the Food Network Kitchens
* Cook with or against your friends!
title (ES)Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked
synopsis (ES)¡Prepara una mezcla de acción y emoción culinaria y conviértete en un verdadero profesional con Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked! Ábrete camino a través de mas de 30 recetas reales preparadas por los expertos de la Food Network, y aprende mientras te diviertes en la cocina.
title (KO)푸드 네트워크 : 쿡 오어 비 쿡드
title (ZHTW)網絡食譜 烹飪對戰(美)
title (ZHCN)网络食谱 烹饪对战(美)
developer Red Fly Studio
publisher Namco
release date 2009-11-3
genre simulation, cooking
rating E

content alcohol reference

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked Wii cover (SFOEAF)

Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked Wii cover (SFOEAF)

Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked Wii disc (SFOEAF)

Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked Wii disc (SFOEAF)