SGBPGT - Greg Hastings Paintball 2

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region PAL
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Greg Hastings Paintball 2
synopsis (EN)Greg Hastings Paintball 2 introduces more than 10 single and multiplayer game modes each staged in all-new, paintball locations based on actual fields around the world. Seven single-player game modes challenge the most experienced "ballers" to hone their skills and then test them against up to 19 others in seven different multiplayer game types. Whether playing alone or against others, Greg Hastings Paintball 2 ups the ante with game-changing weather conditions and field hazards including rain, wind and fog. The game also features an improved map editor along with the hottest new gear and weapons. When things are at their bleakest, players can even use the all-new cheat meter that lets them avoid elimination by successfully wiping away paint splatter before they're caught.

Serious "ballers" can even become general manager of their own 10-player team composed of more than 100 professional and amateur paintball players. Gamers can trade players, issue commands, and use their earnings from the field to build each player's individual stats, so the overall team is that much more competitive. The better the team assembled, the more tournaments a player stands to win, providing him with added cash to buy new gear, players and skill upgrades.
title (KO)그렉 헤이스팅스 페인트볼 2
title (ZHTW)極限漆彈大賽2(歐)
title (ZHCN)极限漆球大赛2(欧)
publisher 505 Games
release date 2015-10-3

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Greg Hastings Paintball 2 Wii cover (SGBPGT)

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 Wii cover (SGBPGT)

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 Wii disc (SGBPGT)


Greg Hastings Paintball 2 Wii cover (SGBPGT)

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 Wii cover (SGBPGT)