SGYESZ - Gummy Bears Mini Golf

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Gummy Bears Mini Golf
synopsis (EN)Transport yourself to a wonderful fairy tale land full of color and cheer! Gummy Bears Mini Golf can be enjoyed by all ages. Collect achievements, purchase unique Gummy Bear merchandise, and customize nine unique holes for a personalized adventure! Come play in the fantastic world of Gummy Bears!
title (ES)Gummy Bears Mini Golf
synopsis (ES)¡Transpórtate a una increíble tierra de cuento de hadas repleta de color y felicidad! Juega en el fantástico mundo de los Gummy Bears y supera los cientos de desafíos disponibles para obtener puntos y desbloquear accesorios con los que podrás personalizar tu aventura.
title (KO)구미 베어즈 미니 골프
title (ZHTW)小熊軟糖 迷你高爾夫(美)
title (ZHCN)小熊软糖 迷你高尔夫(美)
developer Beyond Reality Games
publisher Storm City Games
release date 2010-9-30
genre sports, golf
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Gummy Bears Mini Golf Wii cover (SGYESZ)

Gummy Bears Mini Golf Wii cover (SGYESZ)

Gummy Bears Mini Golf Wii disc (SGYESZ)

Gummy Bears Mini Golf Wii disc (SGYESZ)