SHBE69 - Hasbro: Family Game Night 3

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Hasbro: Family Game Night 3
synopsis (EN)Your Favorite Games Are Bigger Than Ever!

The Game of LIFE
Yahtzee Hands Down Card Game
Mouse Trap

Colonel Mustard. With the Mousetrap. In The Game of Life. With left foot blue. For a Yahtzee. What does it all mean? It must be time for another Hasbro Family Game Night! Enjoy five more timeless favorites in this third collection of Hasbro classics. Play Clue, Mousetrap, The Game of Life, Twister, or Yahtzee. Choose from classic or new remixed versions of each game. Another toy room staple, Mr. Potato Head, is on hand to guide you through the park and keep the fun moving. And with full Mii support, your family's family of Miis can get in on the action, too.

title (ES)Hasbro: Family Game Night 3
synopsis (ES)Con Mr. Potato Head como anfitrión, Family Game Night permite a cuatro jugadores convertirse en concursantes y participar en una amplia variedad de adictivos y divertidos juegos. Y ahora podrás disfrutar de tus juegos favoritos con un renovado sistema de control, ¡más intuitivo e inmersivo que nunca!
title (KO)하스브로: 패밀리 게임 나이트 3
title (ZHTW)孩之寶家庭遊戲之夜3(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)EA公司經典家庭遊戲《Hasbro Family Game Night》包括六種不同類型:BATTLESHIP, YAHTZEE,BOGGLE, CONNECT FOUR, SORRY! 以及SORRY! Sliders 。 《Hasbro Family GameNight》深信會成為一款深受人們喜愛的家庭遊戲。

在這款遊戲中,人們可以選擇玩經典的Hasbro遊戲,也可以選擇玩一些新版本的遊戲比如:CONNECT FOUR PowerChips, BOGGLE Portal Cubes, Reverse YAHTZEE 以及BATTLESHIPBarrage。這些遊戲相對於之前的舊版本遊戲新增添了一些元素和挑戰性,玩家在YAHTZEE, BOGGLE, SORRY! 、SORRY!Sliders中可以四個人一起遊戲,可以選擇進行合作或者對戰。遊戲設有一個獨特的party模式,玩家在這個模式中可以設定自己喜歡的遊戲,選擇遊戲人數以及時間長度。

“ 我們給每個家庭提供了一個新的彼此了解的空間,《Hasbro Family GameNight》給每個父母和他們的孩子提供了這樣一個交流的舞台,不管是原有的還是最新設定的遊戲,都將通過他們的多樣化的娛樂體驗給每個家庭帶去歡樂”Lange EA副總裁Chip 表示。

“《Hasbro Family GameNight》的玩家面向各個年齡層的人們,不同年齡的家庭成員都可以參與到遊戲中來,因此,遊戲將會給各家庭帶去意想不到快樂,現在,世界各地的玩家們正在因為Hasbro這種不同凡響的家庭特色而逐漸的喜歡上所有Hasbro品牌的遊戲”Blecher Hasbro數碼媒體和遊戲總經理Mark在談到這款遊戲時信心十足。

title (ZHCN)孩之宝 家庭游戏之夜3(美)
developer Bright Light Productions
publisher Electronic Arts
release date 2010-10-28
genre board game, cards, party, compilation
rating E

content mild violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Hasbro: Family Game Night 3 Wii cover (SHBE69)

Hasbro: Family Game Night 3 Wii cover (SHBE69)

Hasbro: Family Game Night 3 Wii disc (SHBE69)

Hasbro: Family Game Night 3 Wii disc (SHBE69)