| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, ES
| title (EN) | Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 | synopsis (EN) | In Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010, players enter a Hell Week-style boot camp packed with new features and energetic workout modes that fully utilize the motion capabilities of the Wii Remote and the Wii Balance Board accessory. Under Jillian Michaels' expert guidance, players engage in lively one-on-one workouts featuring all-new core exercises in Cardio Training, Strength Training, and Balance Training superset routines. The game features many new modes, including "Fitness Resolutions" and "Exercise with Jillian." In "Fitness Resolutions", players plan their routines for the next six months by creating a training calendar, while "Exercise with Jillian" gives players one-on-one time with a 3D avatar of Jillian Michaels that demonstrates pre-made or custom routines. In addition, major motion tracking improvements enable more accurate and precise exercise movements ensuring proper tempo and technique. Players tailor their workouts to their specific abilities by adjusting the game's difficulty level, and ensure a safe session with warm up and cool down exercises. For even more variety, players will workout in exotic locales like beaches and jungles, or challenge family and friends in multiplayer competitions. | title (ES) | Fitness Ultimatum 2010 de Jillian Michaels | synopsis (ES) | Jillian Michaels vuelve con un nuevo programa de ritmo rápido y alta intensidad. Ubicados en una escabrosa y selvática isla del Pacífico, los jugadores deberán cumplir un entrenamiento infernal al más puro estilo militar, lleno de nuevas rutinas y ejercicios. ¡Es hora de mover esos músculos! | title (KO) | 질리안 마이클스 피트니스 울티메이텀 2010 | title (ZHTW) | Jillian Michaels的健身訓練2010(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 《麥可斯健身最後通牒 2010》打出的招牌是與歐美著名的健身女教練Jillian Michaels一起練出好身材,本作中的遊戲設計是由健康專家Jillian Michaels親自完成,全程演示都是根據Jillian Michaels動作捕捉,在遊戲中,她還為玩家設計了瘦身課程,並加以全新的語音解說。 | title (ZHCN) | Jillian Michaels的健身训练2010(美) |
| Collision Studios
| publisher
| Majesco Sales Inc
| release date
| 2009-10-6
| genre
| health, fitness
| rating
| E
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk, balance board
| online players
| 0
| case