SKREG9 - Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
synopsis (EN)Play as all 13 Kamen Riders from the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight TV series, each with their own unique Contract Beasts, Advent cards, and special abilities - More than 65 exciting missions on Ventara will test the skill of your Kamen Riders - Battle head to head with your favorite Kamen Riders in a unique battle system utilizing Contract Beasts and Advent cards. (2 player versus only available on Wii version) - Earn extra Advent cards and unlock additional special abilities that could be used on multiple game modes - Simple but versatile controls allow players of all skill levels to pull off their favorite Kamen Rider moves from the show
title (ES)Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
synopsis (ES)Basado en el nuevo show televisivo, Kamen Raider Dragon Knight te ofrece la posibilidad de jugar como uno de los 13 Kamen Raiders, cada uno con sus propias Advent Cards, y enfrentarte cara a cara o luchar contra hordas de enemigos mientras recorres Ventara para detener al malvado General Xaviax.
title (KO)가면 라이더 용기사
title (ZHTW)假面騎士 龍騎士(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《假面骑士》系列是日本漫画大师石森章太郎原作,由1970年开始制作的特摄电视集,至今在日本依旧热播着新作系列。该系列自新系列开始,故事轴心由原来的改造人和邪恶组织对抗的故事,追加了许多不同的元素。《假面骑士:龙骑士》则是在美国以全新的剧情和演员拍摄的新系列,本次游戏也是以这套新系列展开而改编的作品。
title (ZHCN)假面骑士 龙骑士(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)《假面骑士》系列是日本漫画大师石森章太郎原作,由1970年开始制作的特摄电视集,至今在日本依旧热播着新作系列。该系列自新系列开始,故事轴心由原来的改造人和邪恶组织对抗的故事,追加了许多不同的元素。《假面骑士:龙骑士》则是在美国以全新的剧情和演员拍摄的新系列,本次游戏也是以这套新系列展开而改编的作品。
developer Eighting
publisher D3 Publisher
release date 2009-11-17
genre fighting
rating T

content violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories classic controller
online players 0


Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Wii cover (SKREG9)

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Wii cover (SKREG9)

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Wii disc (SKREG9)

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Wii disc (SKREG9)