SKTE78 - All Star Karate

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)All Star Karate
synopsis (EN)In All Star Karate, players will follow the life of a young, martial arts novice whose noble attempt to save an elderly man from a pack of ninjas brings him face-to-face with a true karate master. The sensei, a cantankerous old-timer, offers his services and teaches his new protégé the proper techniques and disciplines of karate and guides him toward achieving the black belt.
In single-player, Career mode, players will execute and master various karate moves utilizing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, or two Wii Remotes, in order to attain the seven different colored belts or achievement levels in karate, including the black belt. Additionally, players can show off their hand, kicking and blocking techniques by sparring with a friend in Challenge mode or by creating their own move sequences to perform with the Kata Editor.
title (ES)All Star Karate
synopsis (ES)En All Star Karate, los jugadores podrán seguir la vida de un joven aprendiz en artes marciales cuya noble intención es salvar a un anciano de un grupo de ninjas, lo que le llevará a un cara a cara con un verdadero maestro de karate. ¡Aprender Karate no podría ser más divertido!
title (KO)올 스타 카라테
title (ZHTW)全明星空手道(美)
title (ZHCN)全明星空手道(美)
title (RU)All Star Karate
synopsis (RU)Пройдите путь от зеленого новичка до обладателя черного пояса каратэ.

Особенности игры:

- поддержка Wii MotionPlus;
- возможность играть с помощью Wii Remote и Nunchuk или двумя Wii Remotes;
- кроме спарринга вас ждут различные мини-игры, типа отбивания сюрикенов.
developer Blitz Games
publisher THQ
release date 2010-4-20
genre sports, fighting, martial arts
rating E10+

content comic mischief, cartoon violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories motion plus
online players 0
version (1)


All Star Karate Wii cover (SKTE78)

All Star Karate Wii cover (SKTE78)

All Star Karate Wii disc (SKTE78)

All Star Karate Wii disc (SKTE78)