SN8PNG - Sprint Cars

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region PAL
type Wii
languages EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
title (EN)Sprint Cars
synopsis (EN)Push your driving abilities to the limit at the wheel of winged Sprint Cars. Powerslide in light-weight high-powered cars across dirt, ice and snow tracks. With high speed collisions on almost every corner Sprint Car racing is extreme octane motorsport!

Race head to head against a friend. Unlock bonus vehicles. Race on dirt ovals as well as testing circuits crossing ice and sand with full damage modelling.

* Split Screen head to head racing
* Test Drive or Championship
* Chassis and engine damage
* Unlockable bonus features
* Dirt Ovals, and extreme circuits crossing ice and sand
title (ES)Sprint Cars
synopsis (ES)¡Lleva tus habilidades de conducción al límite! Derrapa los ultra livianos super cargados coches de Sprint Cars a través de tierra, hielo y nieve. Compite contra tus amigos en la arena, un circuito cerrado en forma de ovalo donde todo se vale, ¡y demuéstrales tu coraje!
title (KO)스프린트 카
title (ZHTW)急速賽車 衝刺車(歐)
title (ZHCN)急速赛车 冲刺车(欧)
developer Brain In A Jar
publisher Nordic Games
release date 2011-1-21
genre racing
rating 3

players 2
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, wheel
online players 0
version (1)


Sprint Cars Wii cover (SN8PNG)

Sprint Cars Wii cover (SN8PNG)

Sprint Cars Wii disc (SN8PNG)