| SNRE52
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | NASCAR Unleashed | synopsis (EN) | Watching those cars take all those left turns, you have to wonder, what could those machines do if they were turned loose on a city street? Here's your answer! NASCAR takes its racing experience over the top by taking the race off the track in NASCAR Unleashed. Drive the cars of 15 of NASCAR's biggest stars, including Kyle Busch, Jeff Gordon, Joey Logano, and Dale Jr. Race on iconic tracks like Daytona, Talledega, Martinsville, and Chicagoland. Things really get interesting when you explode off the track and onto the streets, beaches, and terrain nearby. Learn techniques like drafting, check your position and stats in the Heads-Up Display, and more. | title (ES) | NASCAR Unleashed | synopsis (ES) | Al mirar esos fantásticos autos tomar todas esas curvas a alta velocidad, ¿no te preguntas qué pasaría si anduvieran sueltos por la ciudad? ¡Aquí está tu respuesta! NASCAR lleva toda su adrenalina y sus mejores vehículos a las calles, dándote la posibilidad de correr con los coches de sus mayores estrellas, como Kyle Busch, Jeff Gordon, Joey Logano, y Dale Jr., en famosas pistas como Daytona, Talledega, Martinsville y Chicagoland. Y cuando las carreras se sueltan en plena ciudad, en la playa y en los alrededores, ¡las cosas se ponen realmente interesantes! | title (KO) | 나스카 언리쉬드 | title (ZHTW) | 雲斯頓賽車 快感釋放(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 在《雲斯頓賽車:快感釋放》中,玩家將感受到不論是橢圓形賽道或是跨越人行道、海灘等非一般正規跑道帶來的自由感覺。看著風景、聞著海風、把高聳的摩天大樓拋在腦後,這就是 NASCAR 賽車遊戲的全新面貌,玩家在家裡面就能直接獲得 NASCAR 式的樂趣與刺激,體驗未曾有過的競速體驗! | title (ZHCN) | 云斯顿赛车 快感释放(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 在《云斯顿赛车:快感释放》中,玩家将感受到不论是椭圆形赛道或是跨越人行道、海滩等非一般正规跑道带来的自由感觉。看着风景、闻着海风、把高耸的摩天大楼抛在脑后,这就是 NASCAR 赛车游戏的全新面貌,玩家在家里面就能直接获得 NASCAR 式的乐趣与刺激,体验未曾有过的竞速体验! |
| Firebrand Games
| publisher
| Activision
| release date
| 2011-11-1
| genre
| racing
| rating
| E
| content
| mild violence
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| classic controller
| online players
| 0
| case