SODPYK - The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab

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region PAL
type Wii
languages EN, NL
title (EN)The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab
synopsis (EN)A Serious Wii Game for visually impaired, blind and fully sighted children.

From now on visually impaired, blind en fully sighted children can play together on Nintendo Wii. For the first time, children with and without visual impairment can play together on an equal level, thanks to the game called "The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab".

Improving motoric functions: Visio supports, encourages and counsels visually impaired people by providing various courses, training and programmes. In addition to the positive effect of playing unhindered with peers on an equal level, this game also contributes to improving motoric functions and physical coordination.

The Explorer: In this game you play the role of Ben the Archaeologist who is searching for the Temple of the Diamond Scarab. Once he is in the temple he meets Tiri, an enchanting Egyptian princess. Going through a maze of underground passages they look for ancient Egyptian treasures and confront various challenges. The Guardian leads them step by step to the exit. The game is played on a Balance Board, a standard Wii accessory. With this you can move through the maze, find treasures and enter challenging situations. Since this is the first game in the world developed jointly for visually impaired, blind and fully sighted children, the game can be played in Dutch and in English.
title (NL)De Ontdekker en het mysterie van de Diamanten Scarabee
synopsis (NL)Het unieke aan deze Wii Balance Board game is dat blinde en slechtziende kinderen deze game samen met hun goedziende vriendjes en vriendinnetjes kunnen spelen. In de game kruip je in de huid van Ben, een archeoloog. Ben ontmoet de mooie Egyptische prinses Tiri en samen gaan ze op zoek naar allemaal geheime schatten in het oude Egypte. Op je Wii Balance Board ga je verschillende uitdagingen aan, zo moet je bijvoorbeeld vliegende mummies ontwijken. Deze bewegingen komen komt de motoriek van kinderen tegoed!
title (KO)탐험가와 다이아몬드 스카라브의 미스터리
developer Little Chicken Game Company
publisher MAD Multimedia
release date 2015-1-1
genre educational
rating 7

players 1
req. accessories wiimote, balance board
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab Wii cover (SODPYK)

The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab Wii cover (SODPYK)

The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab Wii disc (SODPYK)