| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | Turbo: Super Stunt Squad | synopsis (EN) | Buckle up and get ready to race into the high-octane universe inspired by DreamWorks Animation's film, Turbo. Packed full of larger-than-life environments, super-charged action and revved-up characters Turbo: Super Stunt Squad will have you pushing the pedal to the floor for high-speed excitement. From performing mind-boggling stunts to tricking out your favorite character's look, this game offers dynamic gameplay that will challenge your skills and get your pulse pounding. Speed off on high-velocity adventures with Turbo, Smoove Move, Whiplash, Skidmark and Burn — you're on the stunt squad now. | title (KO) | 터보: 슈퍼 스턴트 스쿼드 | title (ZHTW) | 極速蝸牛 超級特技隊(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 一個菜園蝸牛Turbo抱有一個幾乎不可能實現的夢想:成為世界上跑得最快的蝸牛。一次偶然的不尋常事件讓他擁有了非凡的速度,Turbo打算讓自己的夢想成真。玩家選擇各式帥氣且不同功能的蝸牛完成各種特技表演,相當拉風、相當刺激 ...
| title (ZHCN) | 极速蜗牛 超级特技队(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 一个菜园蜗牛Turbo抱有一个几乎不可能实现的梦想:成为世界上跑得最快的蜗牛。一次偶然的不寻常事件让他拥有了非凡的速度,Turbo打算让自己的梦想成真。玩家选择各式帅气且不同功能的蜗牛完成各种特技表演,相当拉风、相当刺激 ...
| Torus Games
| publisher
| D3 Publisher
| release date
| 2013-7-16
| genre
| racing
| rating
| E
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| save blocks
| 1 (copy move)
| case