SPVEA4 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES, PT
title (EN)Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
synopsis (EN)Experience freedom to move, freedom to create, and freedom to play the beautiful game as it is meant to be played in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. Anticipate runs by your teammates and pass the ball into space - any space - with enhanced 360-degree passing. New Shot Stamina meters monitor exactly how much power players have left, letting you gauge the chances of an accurate pass before you let it fly. Defenders no longer automatically chase nearby balls, instead reacting to the movements of the player in control. Add improved physics, new tackling styles, and 100 hours of motion-capture movements, and the beautiful game has never looked more realistic.

title (ES)Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
synopsis (ES)Con cada nueva temporada, vuelve la esperanza, la posibilidad de alcanzar la gloria y la promesa de mejorar en todas las áreas del campo. Únete al entusiasmo por el fútbol de los muchos fans de este deporte en todo el mundo, porque el legendario Pro Evolution Soccer vuelve a invadir la Wii.
title (KO)프로 에볼루션 싸커 2011
title (ZHTW)實況足球2011(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《實況足球2011》將由大紅大紫的巴塞羅拿隊當家球星美斯全面擔任代言人。

Konami稱《實況足球2011》將秉承該系列優秀傳統,帶來一次「最徹底的革命」,大幅改進遊戲玩法,向真實足球體驗進化,結果就是「迄今為止最完 整、最真實的PES」。新作還加入了新的AI引擎,自由度更高,玩家可以而且需要掌控每一次決策、每一個動作,同時也不會存在輔助AI一廂情願的干擾,比 如傳球不會自動交給距離最近的球員,更符合真實情況。




title (ZHCN)实况足球2011[WiFi](美)
developer Winning Eleven Productions
publisher Konami
release date 2010-11-18
genre sports, soccer
rating E

content mild lyrics

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 4
online features online connectivity


Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii cover (SPVEA4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii cover (SPVEA4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii cover (SPVEA4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii cover (SPVEA4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii disc (SPVEA4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Wii disc (SPVEA4)