| SRIE78
| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN, FR, ES
| title (EN) | Rio | synopsis (EN) | From the makers of the hit Ice Age series comes RIO, a 3D comedy adventure about Blu, a rare domesticated bird who travels to the exotic land of Rio. In this multiplayer video game, Blu goes on the adventure of his life, with the help of his female counterpart, Jewel, and a group of wise-cracking and smooth-talking city birds. | title (ES) | Rio | synopsis (ES) | De los creadores de Ice Age llega Rio, una comedia que relata la historia del loro guacamayo Blu en su viaje a la exótica Río de Janeiro en búsqueda de otro loro de su especie. ¡Podrás competir con tus amigos en cinco modos únicos y ganar el primer lugar en la Ceremonia de Inauguración del Carnaval! | title (KO) | 리오 | title (ZHTW) | 里約大冒險(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 本作是根據《冰河時代》製作小組的新CG動畫電影《里約大冒險》改編的聚會類遊戲。動畫講述了一隻生活在美國明尼蘇達州小鎮上的稀有雄性藍鸚鵡Blue,為了尋找自己的同類Jewel,遠赴巴西里約熱內盧的歷險故事。 | title (ZHCN) | 里约大冒险(美) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 本作是根据《冰河时代》制作小组的新CG动画电影《里约大冒险》改编的聚会类游戏。动画讲述了一只生活在美国明尼苏达州小镇上的稀有雄性蓝鹦鹉Blue,为了寻找自己的同类Jewel,远赴巴西里约热内卢的历险故事。 |
| Eurocom Developments
| publisher
| release date
| 2011-4-12
| genre
| party
| rating
| E10+
| content
| comic mischief, mild cartoon violence
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| version | (1) | size | 4699979776 | crc | 0ba9e9c9 | md5 | 4b898c898141b4a39c834e0a292a0c5b | sha1 | 7d66d9a90709fdb43b27679031aad6685aa7a8c8 |