| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Satisfashion | synopsis (EN) | Step into the world of high fashion! As young designer Grace Styles, you'll lead the team at the Satisfashion Design House on a journey to the top of the fashion industry. Create trends with the latest fashions, hippest models and funkiest makeup. Show off your hot new looks on runways across the globe and set the fashion world on fire! With each innovative new trend you create you'll help elevate Satisfashion to the top of the industry! | title (ES) | Satisfashion | synopsis (ES) | ¡Inicia una verdadera revolución en las pasarelas! Construye un mega imperio de la moda diseñando las prendas más innovadoras y vanguardistas del mundo y promociona tu trabajo en cientos de shows televisivos. ¡Pon el mundo de la moda patas para arriba! | title (KO) | 세티스패션 | title (ZHTW) | 盡顯時尚(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 在遊戲中,你要通過世界時裝秀來讓顧客對時尚公司產生深刻的印象,並且讓時尚建立起世界級的聲望!當然這一切都需要你來為模特們設計符合她們氣質的時裝,配上配飾,化妝等等,這樣才能在各種T台秀上成為焦點! 遊戲中包含8個城市,每個城市兩場時尚秀,三種模式,和喬喬時尚秀一樣,也能為模特們拍照留下永恆的紀念 | title (ZHCN) | 赛帝时尚公司(美) |
| TechFront
| publisher
| Destineer Studios
| release date
| 2010-6-8
| genre
| simulation
| rating
| E
| players
| 1
| req. accessories
| wiimote, nunchuk
| accessories
| online players
| 0
| case