| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Remington Super Slam Hunting: Africa | synopsis (EN) | When it comes to big game, it doesn't get any bigger than this! Go on safari into the furthest reaches of Africa, tracking 15 big game animals, including Africa's Big 5: rhino, buffalo, elephant, leopard, and lion. Equip your hunter with over 30 licensed guns and accessories for an experience that combines realistic hunting with arcade-style action. Track your prey day and night through a variety of conditions. Keep your target in your sights while rain soaks you, wind swirls, or brush fires rage all around. Join up to four friends for co-op or competitive hunts, and see who's bagged the most trophies in online leaderboards.
| title (ES) | Remington Super Slam Hunting: Africa | synopsis (ES) | Acaba con tu presa... ¡o conviértete en la presa! Embárcate en un safari por los confines de África para cazar a los animales más famosos del continente, incluyendo rinocerontes, búfalos, elefantes, leopardos y leones. Forma tu equipo de hasta 4 jugadores e intenta destronar a los líderes del ranking online. | title (KO) | 레밍턴 슈퍼 슬램 헌팅: 아프리카 | title (ZHTW) | 雷明頓超級大滿貫狩獵 非洲(美) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 「Remington Super Slam Hunting」系列這次將帶領玩家深入非洲叢林,裝備強力武器和必不可少的道具,跨越多變的地形探索35個具有挑戰性的任務,體驗前所未有的狩獵激情。獵殺大型動物,鳥類和有害動物等超過15種不同的獵物,盡可能地賺取分數並購買更強的武器。
將槍口瞄準非洲最危險的動物,然後扣動扳機,看子彈穿過頭部的精彩畫面。在不同的情況下使用不同的武器來獲得最高的得分,在挑戰模式下還可以進行多人遊戲。超過15種野生生物鏈頂端包括非洲五霸在內的凶禽猛獸,體驗這驚心動魄的冒險之旅,成為非洲大陸上最優秀的獵手。 | title (ZHCN) | 雷明顿超级大满贯狩猎 非洲(美) |
| eV Interactive
| publisher
| Mastiff
| release date
| 2010-12-3
| genre
| action, simulation, shooter, hunting
| rating
| T
| content
| blood, violence
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk, zapper
| online players
| 0
| online features
| online connectivity
| case