| region
| type
| Wii
| languages
| EN
| title (EN) | Mensa Academy | synopsis (EN) | Mensa Academy is a new brain training game that will give players the ultimate grey matter workout. The game will be packed with a series of fun and stimulating mini-games and challenges, filled with questions endorsed by Mensa, the renowned global high IQ society
Created in collaboration with Mensa, Mensa Academy offers players the ability to determine and improve their score in Play, Coach and Test modes. Play mode challenges players to take on 100+ replayable levels in the five disciplines of Numeracy, Language, Logic, Memory, and Visual, packed with questions.
For further training, players can use Coach mode to hone their abilities and assess their progress in key disciplines before taking their skills to the next level in taking the Test and discovering their Mensa Academy score; will all that brain training have paid off | title (KO) | 멘사 아카데미 | title (ZHTW) | 門薩學院(歐) | synopsis (ZHTW) | 門薩學院是一個新的大腦訓練遊戲,充滿了一系列有趣和刺激的迷你遊戲和挑戰,與全球知名高智商認可的問題。 | title (ZHCN) | 门萨学院(欧) | synopsis (ZHCN) | 门萨学院是一个新的大脑训练游戏,充满了一系列有趣和刺激的迷你游戏和挑战,与全球知名高智商认可的问题。 |
| Silverball Studios
| publisher
| Square-Enix
| release date
| 2012-7-27
| genre
| simulation, strategy, educational
| rating
| 3
| players
| 4
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk
| online players
| 0
| case