STSZ4Q - Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition
synopsis (EN)Embracing the adored and inspired fun of the Toy Story franchise, Toy Story 3: The Video Game features a story mode that follows the Toy Story 3 film adventures in which Buzz, Woody and friends grapple with their uncertain future as Andy prepares to depart for college. Dive into to all new heroic adventures in Story Mode or let your imagination run wild in the exiting new open world of Toy Box Mode!

This version of the game contains exclusive
content such as exclusive customized theme packs, extra toys and items for Toy Box Mode and extended story mode levels.
title (ES)Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition
synopsis (ES)¡Vuela, corre, galopa y salta junto a tus amigos preferidos de Toy Story 3! Disfruta del clásico modo historia, basado en la película, o entra en el novedoso modo Toy Box en esta versión extendida con contenido exclusivo, como packs de temas personalizados, juguetes coleccionables y objetos extra.
title (KO)토이 스토리 3: 토이 박스 스페셜 에디션
title (ZHTW)玩具總動員3 玩具盒特別版(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)  本作是根據知名動畫電影電影改編而來的面向全平台的動作類遊戲。這一次的故事講述,隨著玩具們的主人日漸長大,並將離家上大學,玩具們不得不面臨被束之高閣的命運。巴斯光年因為一系列的故障問題被召回台灣,在得知關於產品召回的相關程序及後果後,房間裡的所有玩具們在牛仔伍迪的領導下,開始了拯救巴斯光年的冒險之旅。

title (ZHCN)玩具总动员3 玩具盒特别版(美)
developer Avalanche Software
publisher Disney Interactive
release date 2010-6-15
genre action
rating E10+

content cartoon violence

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition Wii cover (STSZ4Q)

Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition Wii cover (STSZ4Q)

Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition Wii disc (STSZ4Q)

Toy Story 3: Toy Box Special Edition Wii disc (STSZ4Q)