STTE52 - Hidden Mysteries: Titanic

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Hidden Mysteries: Titanic
synopsis (EN)Explore the most famous ship in the world! Feel the ship deck creak as you search for hidden objects, decode secret puzzles and solve the greatest sea mystery ever!
title (ES)Hidden Mysteries: Titanic
synopsis (ES)¡Explora el barco más famoso del mundo! Busca cientos de objetos ocultos, resuelve los misteriosos enigmas y navega por las profundidades de la catástrofe marítima más grande de todos los tiempos. ¡Una oportunidad única!
title (KO)숨겨진 미스테리들: 타이타닉
title (ZHTW)隱藏的秘密 鐵達尼號(美)
title (ZHCN)隐藏的秘密 泰坦尼克号(美)
developer Gunnar Games
publisher Activision
release date 2009-11-3
genre adventure, hidden object, point-and-click, puzzle
rating E10+

content alcohol reference, violent references, tobacco reference

players 1
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk
online players 0


Hidden Mysteries: Titanic Wii cover (STTE52)

Hidden Mysteries: Titanic Wii cover (STTE52)

Hidden Mysteries: Titanic Wii disc (STTE52)

Hidden Mysteries: Titanic Wii disc (STTE52)