STWE69 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN
title (EN)Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11
synopsis (EN)The biggest name in the sport returns for the 2011 edition of the blockbuster golfing franchise.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 on the Wii brings the links to your living room with two enhanced swing mechanics while using the Wii MotionPlus. The Advanced Plus swing difficulty will read rotation and swing angle while the Tour Pro swing mechanic assesses rotation, swing plane and point of contact.

The Tour Pro swing features an innovative first-person camera angle from the tee box to the putting green called True View. True View creates the most immersive and authentic golf experience in any video game – you are no longer watching the golfer, you are the golfer!
title (ES)Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11
synopsis (ES)¡Vive toda la magia de la Ryder Cup! Por primera vez podrás hacer realidad tu sueño y llevar a tu equipo a la gloria, representando a Europa o EE.UU. en la sede oficial de la edición 2010: el Celtic Manor Resort. Y gracias al accesorio Wii MotionPlus, podrás experimentar cada golpe con un realismo inigualable.
title (KO)타이거 우즈 PGA 투어 11
title (ZHTW)老虎伍茲高爾夫PGA巡迴賽11(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)在《老虎伍茲 11》玩家將踏上英國威爾斯塞爾提克渡假村(The Celtic Manor Resort)的高爾夫球場,在全新的萊德杯挑戰賽(Ryder Cup Challenge)中為了榮譽而戰,為了國家而戰。在組織隊伍,於線上隊伍遊戲中對抗其他玩家的同時(玩家人數最高可達 12 人對 12 人),還得費盡心思、算計策略。2010年,帶領你的隊伍邁向榮耀吧!
title (ZHCN)泰格伍兹高尔夫巡回赛11[MP][WiFi](美)
developer EA Tiburon
publisher Electronic Arts
release date 2010-6-8
genre sports, golf
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, motion plus
online players 4
online features online connectivity


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii cover (STWE69)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii cover (STWE69)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii disc (STWE69)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii disc (STWE69)