SU7EG9 - Rise of the Guardians

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Rise of the Guardians
synopsis (EN)They are known for inspiring some of the wonders of childhood, creating memories that last a lifetime. Now, they're joining forces and going into battle! Team up with North (Santa Claus), Tooth (the Tooth Fairy), Bunnymund (the Easter Bunny), Sandman, and Jack Frost as the legendary characters band together to protect children from an evil spirit. Explore the imaginative worlds of each Guardian in play inspired by the movie, using each character's special combat moves to battle the nightmarish creatures of the evil Pitch. Unlock upgrades and new special moves that give you even more ways to battle. Four friends can experience the adventure together in drop-in/drop-out multiplayer.
title (KO)가디언즈
title (ZHTW)守護者聯盟(美)
synopsis (ZHTW)根據夢工廠全新動畫電影《守護者聯盟》(Rise of the Guardians,也有譯為守護者的崛起、捍衛聯盟)改編的同名遊戲將登陸PS3、XBOX360、Wii U、Wii、3DS和NDS,電影的劇情講述的是,當一名被稱為「僻奇」的邪惡幽靈一心一意要在各地的孩子心中引發恐懼從而接管世界,為了阻止他的邪惡計劃,聖誕老人、復活節兔、傑克凍人、牙仙和沙人這些守護神破天荒地首次團結在一起組成捍衛聯盟共同應敵,來保護全世界小孩的希望、信仰與想像力。
title (ZHCN)守护者联盟(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)根据梦工厂全新动画电影《守护者联盟》(Rise of the Guardians,也有译为守护者的崛起、捍卫联盟)改编的同名游戏将登陆PS3、XBOX360、Wii U、Wii、3DS和NDS,电影的剧情讲述的是,当一名被称为“僻奇”的邪恶幽灵一心一意要在各地的孩子心中引发恐惧从而接管世界,为了阻止他的邪恶计划,圣诞老人、复活节兔、杰克冻人、牙仙和沙人这些守护神破天荒地首次团结在一起组成捍卫联盟共同应敌,来保护全世界小孩的希望、信仰与想像力。
developer Torus Games
publisher D3 Publisher
release date 2012-11-20
genre action, adventure
rating E10+

content fantasy violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 0


Rise of the Guardians Wii cover (SU7EG9)

Rise of the Guardians Wii cover (SU7EG9)

Rise of the Guardians Wii cover (SU7EG9)

Rise of the Guardians Wii cover (SU7EG9)

Rise of the Guardians Wii disc (SU7EG9)

Rise of the Guardians Wii disc (SU7EG9)