| region
| type
| WiiWare
| languages
| JA
| title (EN) | Contra ReBirth | synopsis (EN) | Explosive, action-packed shooter for 1 or 2 players! Take control of the Contra soldiers Bill Rizer and Lance Bean and protect Earth from an alien invasion. Arm yourself with powerful weapons and blast your way through hordes of deadly enemies and gigantic bosses. Destroy the evil Chief Salamander and his Neo-Salamander Force!
Features: * A new episode in Konami’s cult shooting game series * Play with 1 or 2 players * Choose from 2 playable characters: Bill Rizer and Lance Bean * 5 action-packed stages with deadly enemies and massive bosses * 3 difficulty levels: EASY, NORMAL, HARD * Weapons include standard machine gun, shot gun, homing missiles and laser | title (JA) | 魂斗羅 ReBirth | synopsis (JA) | なつかしの名作アクションシューティングゲーム「魂斗羅」がWiiウェアに登場!伝説の兵士"魂斗羅"のビル上等兵を操作して進むアクションシューティングゲームで、二人同時プレイが可能であることや高い難易度も特徴です。 過去何度もシリーズ作が発売され未だに根強い人気を誇り、熱狂的なファンから支持を受けています。 特徴的な複数の武器を使い分けて、敵を倒していきましょう。 | title (KO) | 혼두라 리버스 |
| Konami
| publisher
| Konami
| release date
| 2014
| genre
| action, platformer
| players
| 2
| req. accessories
| wiimote
| accessories
| nunchuk, classic controller, gamecube pad
| online players
| 0