WSUJ - Shootanto - Kako Hen

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region NTSC-J
type WiiWare
languages JA
title (EN)Shootanto - Kako Hen
synopsis (EN)You are about to enter the battle for the future in a world governed by the law of the jungle. As you move through the stages your character evolves, and your weapons and shooting abilities change. First you start by throwing weapons by hand, then proceed to using tools where you can have a taste of many different types of projectiles. Cooperative 2 player mode is also available. The controls are simple! Move the character with the Control Stick and the crosshairs with the Wii Remote, and shoot down the targets while dodging enemy attacks. Getting hit by an enemy bullet or touching an enemy close to you will count as a miss. With each miss, you will lose one heart from the bottom indicator of the screen, and losing all hearts will end the game.
title (JA)SHOOTANTO ~過去編~
synopsis (JA)Wiiリモコンの特徴を活かしたシンプルでいて奥深いシューティングゲームで、人類の未来を賭けた戦いに挑みます。今回は「過去編」です。ステージが進むとキャラクターも進化してゆき、武器や射撃性能が変化します。2人同時プレイ可能、さらにスコアランキングで、ご家族やお友達と協力したり競い合うことができます。
title (KO)슈탄토: 과거편
developer Grand Prix Games
publisher Grand Prix Games
release date 2014
genre action, first-person shooter

players 2
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
accessories classic controller
online players 0