R4QE01 - Mario Strikers Charged

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, ES
title (EN)Mario Strikers Charged
synopsis (EN)Supercharged Characters! - The captains from Super Mario Strikers are back, joined by four new ones, and now you can create your own original team by mixing and matching your captain with an all-new cast of sidekicks. All characters have their own sets of special abilities, making each one play completely differently from one another. New captain super-abilities and sidekick skill-shots add a new level of depth to already crazy soccer battles on the most unpredictable and hazard-filled pitches in the Mario universe. Each field features its own set of interactive hazards that alter game play over the course of the game. **Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Game Play! - There are tons of new single-player modes, from tournaments to challenges to tutorials, but the game truly shines in multiplayer. The game features a robust multiplayer mode—up to four players can battle locally, or they can go online in each specific sales territory for one-on-one matches. **Kickin' Wii Controls! - Building on the frantic fun of Super Mario Strikers, this game gets you into action only possible on the Wii. Primary game play controls use both the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers. Use the Nunchuk to control your characters and deploy items. Flick the Wii Remote to perform the defensive "Big Hit" move and flatten foes. To defend against a "Mega Strike" goal attempt, use the Wii Remote to point at the screen and manually defend against multiple balls as they rocket towards the screen!
title (ES)Mario Strikers Charged
synopsis (ES)Mario sale una vez más al campo de fútbol con su único e inigualable estilo de "fútbol combativo", donde utilizarás el mando de Wii y el Nunchuk para hacerte con el balón, marcar goles imparables y controlar al portero en espectaculares paradones. ¡En Mario Strikers Charged vale todo!
title (KO)마리오 파워 사커
title (ZHTW)瑪利歐足球前鋒 Charged[WiFi](美)
synopsis (ZHTW)《瑪利歐足球前鋒 Charged》是任天堂先前於NGC 所推出之《超級瑪利歐足球前鋒》的續篇作品,承襲瑪俐歐系列運動遊戲一貫的風格,提供融合逗趣可愛與緊張刺激等雙重要素的足球遊戲體驗。

遊戲承襲 NGC 前作的內容與系統,並針對 Wii 主機的特性加入眾多改良與新要素。遊戲中玩家將可操作瑪利歐、路易奇、碧姬、大金剛、耀西、庫巴..等瑪利歐世界的眾多角色,在充滿童話幻想風格的眾多足球場,施展各自的強力射門絕招,並以 Wii 遙控器的指標感應功能來進行守門操作。

除了承襲前作的部分之外,遊戲中並加入了眾多新要素,包括 12 名不同的隊長,以及來自其他知名遊戲的角色。每隊並可從 8 名忠實夥伴中選擇 3 名參賽,雖然這些夥伴的技巧稍遜,但是仍較NGC 版的一般隊友來得強力。之外並將支援任天堂Wi-Fi 連線服務,讓全球玩家可透過網路進行對戰。
title (ZHCN)马里奥激情足球[WiFi](美)
developer Next Level Games
publisher Nintendo
release date 2007-7-30
genre action, sports, soccer
rating E10+

content crude humor, mild cartoon violence

players 4
req. accessories wiimote, nunchuk
online players 4
online features online connectivity, Wiimmfi


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