STEETR - Tetris Party Deluxe

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region NTSC-U
type Wii
languages EN, FR, ES
title (EN)Tetris Party Deluxe
synopsis (EN)Tetris Party Deluxe builds on success of Tetris Party (formerly found on WiiWare)by adding new modes and features to enrich the overall game play experience. The game features six new game modes, including the explosive Bombliss and VS. Sprint -- a mode that enables up to four players to compete for the first 40 line completion! In addition, there are four additional enhanced modes of play including an Edit Mode within Shadow that lets players create their own shadow puzzles to play. And for Tetris fans who like playing with others, Tetris Party Deluxe has a wealth of modes including online battles over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in addition to local multiplayer fun for groups of friends and family. With the Wii version, there are even crazy ways of playing the game -- use the Wii Balance Board, Wii Wheel, Wii Speak or your own personal Mii to customize the game experience!
title (DE)Tetris Party Deluxe
synopsis (DE)Tetris kennst du, aber weißt du, wie man eine richtige Party feiert?

Mit Tetris Party kann man sich mit vielen begeisternden Spielmodi, Online-Gefechten und Multiplayer-Spaß für Freundesgruppen und Familien auf brandneue Weise an Tetris erfreuen.

Und weil es auf dem Wii ist, ist sogar die Art und Weise mit der man Tetris spielt brandneu – man kann die Wii-Fernbedienung, das Wii Balance Board oder den Classic Controller benutzen und der Spaß kann beginnen.
title (ES)Tetris Party Deluxe
synopsis (ES)Con más de veinte emocionantes modos, batallas online y diversión multijugador para grupos de amigos y familiares, el juego Tetris Party Deluxe es imprescindible para todos los apasionados del Tetris y los rompecabezas.
title (KO)테트리스 파티 디럭스
title (ZHTW)俄羅斯方塊聚會 豪華版[WiFi][平衡板](美)
synopsis (ZHTW)俄羅斯方塊這款歷久不衰的方塊遊戲藉由WiiWare在Wii上登場,除了傳統的俄羅斯方塊遊戲之外,還支援許多不同的多人玩法與網路連線對戰,並且對應Wii平衡板的特殊玩法,另外也支援Wii Remote體感的操作方式,藉由揮動Wii遙控器可以使用各種道具來製造有利的狀況。

title (ZHCN)俄罗斯方块派对 豪华版(美)
synopsis (ZHCN)俄罗斯方块这款历久不衰的方块游戏通过WiiWare在Wii上登场,除了传统的俄罗斯方块游戏之外,还支持许多不同的多人玩法与网络联机对战,并且对应Wii平衡板的特殊玩法,另外也支持Wii Remote体感的操作方式,通过挥动Wii遥控器可以使用各种道具来制造有利的状况。

developer Hudson Soft / Tetris Online Inc.
publisher Majesco
release date 2010-6-1
genre puzzle
rating E

players 4
req. accessories wiimote
accessories nunchuk, classic controller, wheel, balance board, wii speak
online players 6


Tetris Party Deluxe Wii cover (STEETR)

Tetris Party Deluxe Wii cover (STEETR)

Tetris Party Deluxe Wii disc (STEETR)

Tetris Party Deluxe Wii disc (STEETR)